An answer to a challenge made by a Iesvite in Ireland: wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered by Iames Vssher ... ; wherevnto certain other treatises are adjoyned, the titles whereof in the next leafe are more particularly specified.
An answer to a challenge made by a Iesvite in Ireland: wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered by Iames Vssher ... ; wherevnto certain other treatises are adjoyned, the titles whereof in the next leafe are more particularly specified.
Printed by R.Y. for the partners of the Irish Stocke
James Ussher
William Malone
Each work has special t.p.; [pt. 2] with imprint: London, Imprinted by I. L. for Iohn Bartlet, 1631; [pt. 3]: London, Printed by T. C[otes] for T. Downes, 1631.
"The Iesuites challenge" ([pt. 1] prelim. p. [23-26]) signed: W.B.
"The Iesuites challenge" ([pt. 1] prelim. p. [23-26]) signed: W.B.
An answer to a challenge made by a Iesvite in Ireland. The third edition, corrected and enlarged by the author -- A sermon preached bfore the Commons Hovse of Parliament in St. Margarets Church at Westminster, the 18. of February, 1620. The second edition corrected and amended by the author -- A briefe declaration of the vniversalitie of the Chvrch of Christ. The third impression, corrected and amended -- A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Brittish -- A speech delivered in the castle-chamber at Dvblin, the XXII. of November, anno 1622.
An answer to a challenge made by a Iesvite in Ireland. The third edition, corrected and enlarged by the author -- A sermon preached bfore the Commons Hovse of Parliament in St. Margarets Church at Westminster, the 18. of February, 1620. The second edition corrected and amended by the author -- A briefe declaration of the vniversalitie of the Chvrch of Christ. The third impression, corrected and amended -- A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Brittish -- A speech delivered in the castle-chamber at Dvblin, the XXII. of November, anno 1622.
London : Printed by R.Y. for the partners of the Irish Stocke, 1631.
London : Printed by R.Y. for the partners of the Irish Stocke, 1631.
S.T.C. 24544, 24544a, 24548, 24549, 24555.
S.T.C. 24544, 24544a, 24548, 24549, 24555.
VUL copy bound in different order, as follows: pt. [5]; pt. [2]; pt. [3]; pt. [4]; pt. [1]. General t.p. is bound after p. [22] of the preliminary pages of pt. [1]; the leaf of contents that was to be conjugate with the gen. t.p. is bound after the t.p. of pt. [5]. Pages 93-96 of pt. [4] are bound after p. [112] of pt. [4].
VUL copy lacks: Title page, prelim. pages [1]-[6], pages 1-4 and pages 21-42 of pt. [3]; Title page and pages 113-133 of pt. [4]; Prelim. pages [1]-[13] of pt. [5].
Archive Location
Library Catalog
Num Pages
Call Number
BX1763 .U88 1631
Item Type
James Ussher, “An answer to a challenge made by a Iesvite in Ireland: wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now Romish doctrine plainely discovered by Iames Vssher ... ; wherevnto certain other treatises are adjoyned, the titles whereof in the next leafe are more particularly specified.,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 12, 2025,