Les commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolus, médecin sénois, sur les six liures de Pedacius Dioscoride Anazarbéen de la matière médecinale


Pietro Andrea Mattioli


Les commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolus, médecin sénois, sur les six liures de Pedacius Dioscoride Anazarbéen de la matière médecinale




A Lyon


Chez Pierre Rigaud




Antoine Du Pinet
Dioscorides Pedanius


Rebound. Full leather over pasteboards. Laced in. Flatbacked. Five ribs on spine. Gilt tooling and gilt stamped title on spine. Has headband and tailband. Textblock has been trimmed from original. Possible decorative speckling on textblock edges.

Binding -- leather has been worn away at the edges of the boards and is flaking off in places. Spine still in good shape with some light damage at the foot due to bookworms.
Pages -- generally fine. Some damage from bookworms. Both the binding and the textblock have been stained with a black substance, possibly oil. It is particularly noticeable in the bottom left of the front cover, the bottom of the spine and the bottom right of the back cover. The substance has stained the entire textblock at the bottom.

Generally fair condition.

To the Reader (π1r)

2°: π1 α6 ε6 ζ6 χ6 ϑ6 ι6 κ6 λ6, A8, a-e6 f8 g6 h8 *1 i-z6, 2A6 B- Z63A6 2B-2D6 *Ee6 2E6 2F8(-2F4) [$4 signed (+A5, +f5, +h5; I3 signed as "K3", I4 signed as "K4", 2E2 signed as "2Eii")]  289 leaves (2F4 missing in this copy). [pp.104], ff. 1-2 pp. 3-62 ff. 63-64 pp. 65-66 ff.67-68 pp.69-84 ff.85-87 pp. 88-89 ff.90-92 pp. 93-598 ff.599 pp.600-606 [=pp. 443], [pp. 31] (misprinting 343 as "351"). Boards measure: 31.2 x  21v cm. Leaves measure: 30.5 x 20.5 cm.

Woodcut compartment title page (appears twice: π1v and λ6r,) woodcut ornaments. decorated initials, woodcut illustrations of plants and animals, woodcut portrait of Matthioli (appears twice: λ6r and 2F6r).

Printed Marginalia: Light reference notes.
Handwritten Notes: Very few and those are mostly single words. There appears to be two people that have written in this book. One writes in script with brown (originally black?) ink. The other writes in graphite.

On the inner pastedown: CRRS bookplate, library call number D4 Ma.I 1480, and the number 150 (possibly a price). On the first flyleaf three separate hands have been identified. The first hand is that of Jean Maugras and has the self-supplied date of 1791. Maugras writes in script with ink with many flourishes. There are four inscriptions in Maugras’s hand (in Latin): 1) Jean Maugras 2) Ad joannem 3) Maugras Pertinet iste Libre 3) Si quis in hunc Librum rapidos iniecerit ungues si subito redddat Tartara nigra Petat. Cor col 4) Otium sone Litteris Mors est. Cor col. The second hand appears in the upper right corner. It too is a script written with ink, but its lines are much thicker than Maugras. The inscription is also in French, not Latin. I cannot decipher the script. The third hand uses graphite and looks to be an attempt to translate Maugras. They have written two inscriptions at the bottom right corner: 1) Si quis in hunc Liberum rapidos jajecerit uotques pi Subito reddat Tartara nigra petat 2) Otium sure Litteris mor est. Another hand appears on the back of the flyleaf. It is self-dated 1962 and is written in graphite. The inscription reads: “c/ AGT 1962. Lacks Ff4 – a leaf of index. Portzel 5991”. On second flyleaf: in Maugras’s hand – ex Libris Maugrati. On 2F6v: Victoria University CRRS stamp.

This book is a translation of Mattioli's Commentaries printed in 1544. The earliest printing of this translated copy dates to 1572 in Lyon. This copy appears to be a second edition.

[Within a woodcut oval compartment depicting two putti, two women each holding a book and a bundle of vegetables, a heraldic shield with a double headed eagle and a rampant lion, vegetation and banners. 279 x 198 mm. ] LES │ COMMENTARIES │DEM. [swash on M] P. ANDRE’ [swash on A] │ MATTHIOLVS, │ MEDECIN SENOIS, │ SVR LES SIX LIVRES │de Pedacius Dioſcoride Ana- │ zarbeen de la matiere │ Medecinale │ [rubricated ornament 3 x 6 mm.] │ Traduits de Latin en François par M. Antoine du Pinet: Et illuſtrez │ de nouueau, d’vn bon nombre de figures; & augmentez en plus │ de mille lieux à la derniere edition de l’Autheur, tant de pluſieurs │ remedes à diuerſes ſortes de maladies; que auſſi des diſtillations: │ comme pareillement de la cognoiſſance des ſimples. │ Auec [swash on A] pluſieurs Tables fort amples, les vnes medecinales: les autres │ des mots & matieres traittees eſdits Commentaires. Le tout au │ proffit & commodité des amateurs de la Medecine. │ A [swash on A] Lyon, │ Chez’ PIERRE RIGAVD, rue Merciere, au │ coing de run Ferrandiere, à l’Horloge. │ [rule 44 mm.] │ M. [swash on M] DCV. │ AVEC PRIVILEGE.

Table of Remedies to Diseases (α1v)
Another Table for the Treatment of Wounds with Plants (ϑ1v)
Another Table of Plants used for Beautifying the Body (χ1v)
A Table of Plants to Evacuate Superfluous Humors (χ4v),
Properties of Plants by Degrees (χ5r)
Plants that affect Tempers (λ1r)
Measures, Dimension and Pitch of Old (λ6b)
Table of Latin and Greek names for Medicinal Plants (*Ee4r)
Index (2E1v)

Roman, italic.

None found.

Library Catalog


Call Number

PA3968 .D6 M3 1605

Item Type



Title page.jpg
pg 289.jpg
pg 471.jpg



Pietro Andrea Mattioli, “Les commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolus, médecin sénois, sur les six liures de Pedacius Dioscoride Anazarbéen de la matière médecinale,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed October 22, 2024, https://crrs.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/8096.