The worckes of Thomas Becon: whiche he hath hitherto made and published, with diverse other newe bookes added to the same, heretofore neuer set forth in print, diuided into thre tomes or parts and amended this present of our Lord 1564 ; perused and allowed, accordyng to the order appointed in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions


Thomas Becon


The worckes of Thomas Becon: whiche he hath hitherto made and published, with diverse other newe bookes added to the same, heretofore neuer set forth in print, diuided into thre tomes or parts and amended this present of our Lord 1564 ; perused and allowed, accordyng to the order appointed in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions




[Imprinted at London


By John Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate


Each part has special t.p Colophon reads: Imprinted at London by John Day, dwelling over Alder sgate [sic] beneath Saint Martins. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. The xxv day of November, 1563

Library Catalog

Num Pages


Call Number

BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3

Item Type



BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large illustration.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large inside front cover v.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large initial.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large back end pages - spread.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large colophon.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large i.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large inside back cover v.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large inside front cover v.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large back cover.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large spine.jpg
BX5130 .B4 1560 v.2-3 Large front cover.jpg



Thomas Becon, “The worckes of Thomas Becon: whiche he hath hitherto made and published, with diverse other newe bookes added to the same, heretofore neuer set forth in print, diuided into thre tomes or parts and amended this present of our Lord 1564 ; perused and allowed, accordyng to the order appointed in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed October 22, 2024,