Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh: viz. Maxims of state. Advise to his son: his sons advise to his father. His sceptick. Observation concerning the causes of the magnificencie and opulency of cities. His letters to divers persons of quality. With the prerogative of Parliament, being a dispute between a counsellour of state and a justice of peace
Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh: viz. Maxims of state. Advise to his son: his sons advise to his father. His sceptick. Observation concerning the causes of the magnificencie and opulency of cities. His letters to divers persons of quality. With the prerogative of Parliament, being a dispute between a counsellour of state and a justice of peace
Printed for William Sheares Iunior
Sir Walter Raleigh's portrait signed: Ro. Vaughan sculp "A mere reissue of the `Maxims of state,' 1656, with the omission of the `Observations touching trade and commerce with the Hollander', and the addition of `The prerogative of parliaments'"--Sabin 67577. Includes the t.p. of the 1656 edition of "Maxims of state" "The prerogative of Parliaments in England" has separate dated title page with separate pagination and register
Library Catalog
Num Pages
Call Number
PR2334 .A4 1657
Item Type
Walter Raleigh, “Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh: viz. Maxims of state. Advise to his son: his sons advise to his father. His sceptick. Observation concerning the causes of the magnificencie and opulency of cities. His letters to divers persons of quality. With the prerogative of Parliament, being a dispute between a counsellour of state and a justice of peace,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 13, 2025,