Posthumous works of the learned Sir Thomas Browne, Kt. M.D., late of Norwich : printed from his original manuscripts, viz. I. Repertorium: or, The antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Norwich, II. An account of some urnes, &c. found at Brampton in Norfolk, Anno 1667, III. Letters between Sir William Dugdale and Sir Tho. Browne, IV. Miscellanies. To which is prefix'd his life. There is also added, Antiquitates Capellæ D. Johannis Evangelistæ ; hodie Scholæ Regiæ Norwicensis / authore Johanne Burton, A.M. ejusdem Ludimagistro ; illustrated with prospects, portraitures, draughts of tombs, monuments, &c.


Thomas Browne


Posthumous works of the learned Sir Thomas Browne, Kt. M.D., late of Norwich : printed from his original manuscripts, viz. I. Repertorium: or, The antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Norwich, II. An account of some urnes, &c. found at Brampton in Norfolk, Anno 1667, III. Letters between Sir William Dugdale and Sir Tho. Browne, IV. Miscellanies. To which is prefix'd his life. There is also added, Antiquitates Capellæ D. Johannis Evangelistæ ; hodie Scholæ Regiæ Norwicensis / authore Johanne Burton, A.M. ejusdem Ludimagistro ; illustrated with prospects, portraitures, draughts of tombs, monuments, &c.






Printed for E. Curll and R. Gosling


John Burton

William Dugdale

Henry Hulsberg

Norman Endicott


London : Printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible; and R. Gosling at the Mitre in Fleetstreet, 1712.

"Miscellanies' includes: 'An account of Island, alias Ice-land, ' 'Concerning some urnes' and 'Some letters ... between Mr. Dugdale, and Dr. Browne; ... "

Includes index.

"Antiquitates Capellae ..." (ESTC T83782) with imprint: Londini : impensis E. Curll, M. DCC. XII. is in Latin (first section) and English.

Separate title-pages for Miscellanies, Repertoriun and Antiquitates Capellæ D. Johannis Evangelistæ.

Some plates signed: "H. Hulsbergh sculp."

Victoria University Library copy has pictorial bookplate with motto of Norman J. Endicott on end paste-down.

Gift to Victoria University Library. Hoeniger, David. 2017/07/07.

Keynes, 156

[iv], xl, [2], 74, [4],16, 56, 8, 64 pages, 17 unnumbered leaves of plates (4 folded) : illustrations, coats of arms, portraits ; 20 cm

Archive Location

Library Catalog

Num Pages


Call Number

DA690 .N88 B76 1712
Rare Book


DA690 N88 B76 1712 Title Page.jpg
DA690 N88 B76 1712 Foldout Cathedral Chruch of Norwich.jpg
DA690 N88 B76 1712 Scholaegia Foldout.jpg
DA690 N88 B76 1712 Colophon.jpg
DA690 N88 B76 1712 Cover.jpg



Thomas Browne, “Posthumous works of the learned Sir Thomas Browne, Kt. M.D., late of Norwich : printed from his original manuscripts, viz. I. Repertorium: or, The antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Norwich, II. An account of some urnes, &c. found at Brampton in Norfolk, Anno 1667, III. Letters between Sir William Dugdale and Sir Tho. Browne, IV. Miscellanies. To which is prefix'd his life. There is also added, Antiquitates Capellæ D. Johannis Evangelistæ ; hodie Scholæ Regiæ Norwicensis / authore Johanne Burton, A.M. ejusdem Ludimagistro ; illustrated with prospects, portraitures, draughts of tombs, monuments, &c.,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 13, 2025,