[The vertuose boke of the distyllacyon of all maner of waters of the herbes in this present volume expressed : with the fygures of the stillatoryes to that noble worke belongyng fyrst made and compyled by the thirtye yeres studye and labour of the moste famous and expert master of phisyke, Master Iherom bruynswyke, in hye Almayne, and now of late newly translated into Englysshe out of duche by me Laurence andrew to the synguler, profyte, helth and cure, of myn euyn crysten in theyr diseases, and in especyall for them of thys noble royalme of Englonde, my natyfe contrey ; ye shall vnderstande that the great Master Auycenna testifyeth in his fourth canon that the waters be farre better than the herbes in theyr operacyons].
[The vertuose boke of the distyllacyon of all maner of waters of the herbes in this present volume expressed : with the fygures of the stillatoryes to that noble worke belongyng fyrst made and compyled by the thirtye yeres studye and labour of the moste famous and expert master of phisyke, Master Iherom bruynswyke, in hye Almayne, and now of late newly translated into Englysshe out of duche by me Laurence andrew to the synguler, profyte, helth and cure, of myn euyn crysten in theyr diseases, and in especyall for them of thys noble royalme of Englonde, my natyfe contrey ; ye shall vnderstande that the great Master Auycenna testifyeth in his fourth canon that the waters be farre better than the herbes in theyr operacyons].
[publisher not identified]
Laurence Andrew
[London] : [publisher not identified], [A.M. CCCCC. full seuen and twenty the yere of cryste was, by trewe computacyon whan this present boke, was ended fynally by me Laurence andrew, toke his translacyon whyche is of herbes, the perfyte dystyllacyon newly corrected, of that, that was a mys inprynted in flete strete, without adulacyon cum gracia, illustrissimi Regis], [1527]
Imprint from colophon.
[London] : [publisher not identified], [A.M. CCCCC. full seuen and twenty the yere of cryste was, by trewe computacyon whan this present boke, was ended fynally by me Laurence andrew, toke his translacyon whyche is of herbes, the perfyte dystyllacyon newly corrected, of that, that was a mys inprynted in flete strete, without adulacyon cum gracia, illustrissimi Regis], [1527]
Imprint from colophon.
Signatures: ¶⁴ a-b⁶ c-d⁴ e-f⁶ A-B⁴ C⁶ D⁴ E⁶ F⁴ G⁶ H⁴ I⁶ K⁴ L⁶ M⁴ N⁶ O⁴ P⁶ Q⁴ R⁶ S-T⁴ U⁶ X⁴.
Copy incomplete: Lacks title-page; Library copy consists of following leaves: D³, D⁴, E⁴, F²-H⁴, I², I⁵-K¹, K³-L², L⁶, M¹, N¹, N³, N⁴, P¹, P², P⁵-Q², Q⁴-R⁶
276 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
Signatures: ¶⁴ a-b⁶ c-d⁴ e-f⁶ A-B⁴ C⁶ D⁴ E⁶ F⁴ G⁶ H⁴ I⁶ K⁴ L⁶ M⁴ N⁶ O⁴ P⁶ Q⁴ R⁶ S-T⁴ U⁶ X⁴.
Copy incomplete: Lacks title-page; Library copy consists of following leaves: D³, D⁴, E⁴, F²-H⁴, I², I⁵-K¹, K³-L², L⁶, M¹, N¹, N³, N⁴, P¹, P², P⁵-Q², Q⁴-R⁶
276 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
Simple woodcut illustrations of certain herbs and plants.
Printer's device on final leaf.
Simple woodcut illustrations of certain herbs and plants.
Printer's device on final leaf.
Moderate, but highly frequent, with notes on almost every page.
Moderate, but highly frequent, with notes on almost every page.
Early 16th c.? pasteboards; previously half-bound but highly faded. Missing spine. Sewing threads in beishe still present, but broken and detached throughout.
Early 16th c.? pasteboards; previously half-bound but highly faded. Missing spine. Sewing threads in beishe still present, but broken and detached throughout.
Boards: loose boards are scratched and chipped, with original fabric peeling away from pasteboards. Spine is missing.
Boards measure 17cm x 23.5cm.
Leaves: Several leaves are highly torn and/or flaking at corners and sides; creases and stains throughout. Final gathering, R, is the only one still sewn together.
Leaves measure 17cm x 23cm.
Boards: loose boards are scratched and chipped, with original fabric peeling away from pasteboards. Spine is missing.
Boards measure 17cm x 23.5cm.
Leaves: Several leaves are highly torn and/or flaking at corners and sides; creases and stains throughout. Final gathering, R, is the only one still sewn together.
Leaves measure 17cm x 23cm.
Printed in double columns.
Printed in double columns.
Translation of: Kleines Destillierbuch, called also Liber de arte distillandi de simplicibus.
Duveen, D.I. Alchemica et chemica, p. 106-107
ESTC (RLIN), S92986
STC (2nd ed.), 13437
Duveen, D.I. Alchemica et chemica, p. 106-107
ESTC (RLIN), S92986
STC (2nd ed.), 13437
Three fragment leaves contained (unbound) with the book, likely to be from an edition of The Grete Herball by Peter Treveris.
Three fragment leaves contained (unbound) with the book, likely to be from an edition of The Grete Herball by Peter Treveris.
Archive Location
Library Catalog
Num Pages
Call Number
RS81 .B813 1527
Rare Book
Hieronymus Brunschwig, “[The vertuose boke of the distyllacyon of all maner of waters of the herbes in this present volume expressed : with the fygures of the stillatoryes to that noble worke belongyng fyrst made and compyled by the thirtye yeres studye and labour of the moste famous and expert master of phisyke, Master Iherom bruynswyke, in hye Almayne, and now of late newly translated into Englysshe out of duche by me Laurence andrew to the synguler, profyte, helth and cure, of myn euyn crysten in theyr diseases, and in especyall for them of thys noble royalme of Englonde, my natyfe contrey ; ye shall vnderstande that the great Master Auycenna testifyeth in his fourth canon that the waters be farre better than the herbes in theyr operacyons].,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 14, 2025, https://crrs.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/9770.