Advanced Search (Items only)
Tags: 1500-1599, Blind tooled bindings, Engravings, Fables, Printers' devices, Reynard the Fox, Rostock (Germany), Vellum bindings, Woodcuts, Yapp style bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Apologetics, Basel (Switzerland), Erasmus Desiderius, Marginalia, Printers' devices, Reformation
Tags: 1400-1499, Basel (Switzerland), Blind tooled bindings, Christian saints, Legends, Marginalia, Printers' devices
Tags: 1600-1699, Emblem books, Emblems, Engravings, Illustrated books, Printers' devices, The Hague (Netherlands), Vellum bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Clasps, Emblem books, Emblems, Gold tooled bindings, Illustrated books, Lyon (France), Printers' devices, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Christianity, Printers' devices, Religious Aspects, Saint Johannes Chrysostomus, Saints, Translations, Vellum bindings, Venice (Italy), Virginity
Tags: 1500-1599, Basel (Switzerland), Erasmus Desiderius, Grammar, Latin language, Marginalia, Printers' devices
Tags: 1600-1699, Autographs, Dictionary, Foxing, Hebrew, Hebrew language, Insect damage, Limp bindings, Paper repairs, Printers' devices, Vellum bindings, Water damage
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Binding damage, Binding labels, Foxing, Indigenous Peoples, Leather bindings, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Panel stamped bindings, Printers' devices, Quarter bindings, Raised bands, Rubrication, Sammelband, Ten commandments, War, Water damage, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Double comb marbled papers, Gilt edges, Gold tooled bindings, Latin, Leather bindings, Marbled papers, Occupations, Occupations in art, Poetry, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Basel (Switzerland), Binding damage, Edge titles, Erasmus Desiderius, Fathers of the church, Latin, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Theology, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Basel (Switzerland), Binding damage, Christian heresies, Early church ca. 30-600, Edge titles, Erasmus Desiderius, Gnosticism, History, Latin, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Panel stamped bindings, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Civil procedure, Civil Procedure (Roman-Dutch law), Criminal law, Criminal law (Roman-Dutch law), Criminal procedure, Printers' devices, Roman-Dutch law, Sammelband, Sprinkled edges, Torture, Vellum bindings, Warped boards, Witchcraft, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Edge titles, Erasmus Desiderius, Germany, Letter writing, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Vellum bindings, Yapp style bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Basel (Switzerland), Dedications, Edge titles, Epistolae, Erasmus Desiderius, Letter writing, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Switzerland, Vellum bindings, Woodcuts, Yapp style bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Catiline, Conspiracy of Catiline 65-62 B.C, History, Jugurthine War 111-105 B.C, Leather bindings, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Printers' devices, Rome, Sallust
Tags: 1500-1599, Catiline, Conspiracy of Catiline 65-62 B.C, German, History, Jugurthine War 111-105 B.C, Leather bindings, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Printers' devices, Republic 265-30 B.C, Rome, Sallust, Sammelband
Tags: 1500-1599, Bookplates, Marginalia, Paper bindings, Printers' devices, Quarter bindings, Sprinkled edges, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Atticus Titus Pomponius, Binding labels, Gold tooled bindings, Half bindings, Ink stamps, Leather bindings, Marbled paper bindings, Marbled papers, Paper bindings, Paper repairs, Printers' devices, Shell marbled papers, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Ink stamps, Limp bindings, Marginalia, Melanchthon Philipp, Printed waste, Printers' devices, Sammelband, Sermons (Latin), Thongs, Vellum bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Dictionary, Drawings, Leather bindings, Marginalia, Printers' devices, Quarter bindings, Theology, Woodcuts
Tags: 1600-1699, Armorial bindings, Binding damage, Church history, Ecclesiastical, England, Gold tooled bindings, Leather bindings, London (England), Manuscript waste, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Primitive and early church ca. 30-600, Printers' devices, Raised cords
Tags: 1500-1599, Binding damage, Caesar Julius, Commentaries, Marginalia, Printed waste, Printers' devices, Thongs, Untrimmed edges, Vellum bindings, Water damage, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Edge titles, Limp bindings, Printers' devices, Vellum bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Aldus Manutius, Autographs, Binding labels, Cicero Marcus Tullius, Edge titles, Limp bindings, Marginalia, Paolo Manuzio, Printed waste, Printers' devices, Thongs, Vellum bindings, Yapp style bindings
Tags: 1400-1499, Binding damage, Boethius, Ink stamps, Limp bindings, Manuscript waste, Marginalia, Printers' devices, Vellum bindings, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Aldus Manutius, Binding damage, Italy, Latin, Marginalia, Ovid, Paper bindings, Printers' devices, Venice (Italy)
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Printed waste, Printers' devices, Quarter bindings, Raised bands, Sallust, Vellum bindings, Warped boards, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Cockle, Medicine (Greek and Roman), Printers' devices
Tags: 1500-1599, Insect damage, Paper bindings, Paper repairs, Printers' devices, Quarter bindings, Sprinkled edges, Vellum bindings, Woodcuts
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