Dulce bellum inexperto. Eyn gemeyn sprüch-wort, Der krieg ist lustig dem vnerfarnen durch den allergelertesten Erasmu[s] von Roterodam erstlich zu latein gar künstlich außgelegt. Vn[d] yetzo durch her Vlriche[n] Varnbüler geteutscht. In welchem die allerheylsamest Fruchtbarkeit des Fride[n]s, vn[d] der verderplichest Nachteyl des Kriegs underscheidlich, auch vyl gůter erbarer Precept, Lere, Warnu[n]g, vn[d] Ermanungen angezeigt sein, menigklich zů lessen nit minder nutz dann notturfftig.
Dulce bellum inexperto. Eyn gemeyn sprüch-wort, Der krieg ist lustig dem vnerfarnen durch den allergelertesten Erasmu[s] von Roterodam erstlich zu latein gar künstlich außgelegt. Vn[d] yetzo durch her Vlriche[n] Varnbüler geteutscht. In welchem die allerheylsamest Fruchtbarkeit des Fride[n]s, vn[d] der verderplichest Nachteyl des Kriegs underscheidlich, auch vyl gůter erbarer Precept, Lere, Warnu[n]g, vn[d] Ermanungen angezeigt sein, menigklich zů lessen nit minder nutz dann notturfftig.
durch Andream Cartandrum [Andreas Cratander]
Hans Lützelburger (Hans Franck)
Hans Lützelburger (Hans Franck)
Ulrich Varnbüler
Imprint from colophon. Gedruckt zů Basel ; Durch Andream Cartandrum ; an den sechsten Tag Nouembris. anno. MDXIX.
Imprint from colophon. Gedruckt zů Basel ; Durch Andream Cartandrum ; an den sechsten Tag Nouembris. anno. MDXIX.
[56] pp; 20 cm (4to)
Signatures: A-G⁴.
[56] pp; 20 cm (4to)
Signatures: A-G⁴.
Bound in contemporary blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards with 2 clasps and initials "HVS" and date "1560" on front covers. Spine covered with a strip of thin black leather at an early date with two old paper spine labels.
Bound in contemporary blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards with 2 clasps and initials "HVS" and date "1560" on front covers. Spine covered with a strip of thin black leather at an early date with two old paper spine labels.
Elaborate woodcut title border featuring Native Americans and exotic animals dated 1519 in the border ascribed to Urs Graf as the designer of the woodcut and to Hans Franck, also known as Hans Lützelburger 1495?-1526 as the artist or woodcutter of the design onto the woodblock. This woodcut was used by Cratander in Basel starting from 1519. The JCB Archive of early American Images notes regarding the woodcut: "Ornamental decoration on title page consists of native Americans, llamas [?], feathered headdresses, elephant, other exotic people and animals". Cratander's woodcut device on the last page.
Elaborate woodcut title border featuring Native Americans and exotic animals dated 1519 in the border ascribed to Urs Graf as the designer of the woodcut and to Hans Franck, also known as Hans Lützelburger 1495?-1526 as the artist or woodcutter of the design onto the woodblock. This woodcut was used by Cratander in Basel starting from 1519. The JCB Archive of early American Images notes regarding the woodcut: "Ornamental decoration on title page consists of native Americans, llamas [?], feathered headdresses, elephant, other exotic people and animals". Cratander's woodcut device on the last page.
Preface dated from Mainz in 1515.
Preface dated from Mainz in 1515.
Some early margin annotations and early scribbling on end papers.
Some early margin annotations and early scribbling on end papers.
Archive Location
Library Catalog
Num Pages
Call Number
BV4655 .W35 1559
Erasmus Rare
Desiderius Erasmus, “Dulce bellum inexperto. Eyn gemeyn sprüch-wort, Der krieg ist lustig dem vnerfarnen durch den allergelertesten Erasmu[s] von Roterodam erstlich zu latein gar künstlich außgelegt. Vn[d] yetzo durch her Vlriche[n] Varnbüler geteutscht. In welchem die allerheylsamest Fruchtbarkeit des Fride[n]s, vn[d] der verderplichest Nachteyl des Kriegs underscheidlich, auch vyl gůter erbarer Precept, Lere, Warnu[n]g, vn[d] Ermanungen angezeigt sein, menigklich zů lessen nit minder nutz dann notturfftig.,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 12, 2025, https://crrs.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/10330.