The wild-goose chase : a comedie : as it hath been acted with singular applause at the Black-Friers: being the noble, last, and onely remaines of those incomparable drammatists, Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, gent. retriv'd for the publick delight of all the ingenious; and private benefit of John Lowin, and Joseph Taylor, servants to His late Majestie, by a person of honour.
The wild-goose chase : a comedie : as it hath been acted with singular applause at the Black-Friers: being the noble, last, and onely remaines of those incomparable drammatists, Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, gent. retriv'd for the publick delight of all the ingenious; and private benefit of John Lowin, and Joseph Taylor, servants to His late Majestie, by a person of honour.
Printed for Humpherey Moseley, and are to be sold at the Princes Armes in St. Paules Church-yard
Francis Beaumont
John Lowin
Joseph Taylor
London, : Printed for Humpherey Moseley, and are to be sold at the Princes Armes in St. Paules Church-yard, 1652.
London, : Printed for Humpherey Moseley, and are to be sold at the Princes Armes in St. Paules Church-yard, 1652.
"The dedication to the honour'd, few, lovers of drammatick poesie" signed: John Lowin, Joseph Taylor.
"The dedication to the honour'd, few, lovers of drammatick poesie" signed: John Lowin, Joseph Taylor.
[8], 56 pages ; 32 cm (folio)
[8], 56 pages ; 32 cm (folio)
Acted at court in 1621, but not printed until 1652. In 1647 when the folio of Beaumont's and Fletcher's works was published, this play was omitted, as it had long been lost and was supposed to be irrecoverable. Cf. Preface to edition of 1647; Cambridge hist. of Eng. lit.; and Dyce, A. Works of Beaumont & Fletcher, 1845, v. 8, p. 102.
Acted at court in 1621, but not printed until 1652. In 1647 when the folio of Beaumont's and Fletcher's works was published, this play was omitted, as it had long been lost and was supposed to be irrecoverable. Cf. Preface to edition of 1647; Cambridge hist. of Eng. lit.; and Dyce, A. Works of Beaumont & Fletcher, 1845, v. 8, p. 102.
In fact by Fletcher alone. Cf. the dedication.
Printed by William Wilson (Pforzheimer).
Printer's name from Pforzheimer catalogue, which adds "It is apparent . that the copy was divided between two compositors, if not shops."
Victoria University Library copy lacks pages 53-56; supplied in early mss.
Victoria University Library copy lacks pages 53-56; supplied in early mss.
Gift to Victoria University Library. Hoeniger, David. 2017/04/25.
Gift to Victoria University Library. Hoeniger, David. 2017/04/25.
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Library Catalog
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with PR2420 .C47
John Fletcher, “The wild-goose chase : a comedie : as it hath been acted with singular applause at the Black-Friers: being the noble, last, and onely remaines of those incomparable drammatists, Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, gent. retriv'd for the publick delight of all the ingenious; and private benefit of John Lowin, and Joseph Taylor, servants to His late Majestie, by a person of honour.,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 13, 2025,