Oratio de laudibus eloguentiae auctore Tranquillo Parthenio Andronico Dalmata : in Gymnasio Lipsensi pronunciata.
Oratio de laudibus eloguentiae auctore Tranquillo Parthenio Andronico Dalmata : in Gymnasio Lipsensi pronunciata.
Lipsiae [Leipzig]
Ex officina Melchioris Lottheri
Lipsiae : Ex officina Melchioris Lottheri, 1518.
Lipsiae : Ex officina Melchioris Lottheri, 1518.
The title is surrounded by an illustrated woodcut border; large woodcut printer's device on page B3 verso bearing the monogram "ML".
The title is surrounded by an illustrated woodcut border; large woodcut printer's device on page B3 verso bearing the monogram "ML".
Copy is part of a Sammelband probably reflecting the curriculum of an early modern gymnasium or university.
Copy is part of a Sammelband probably reflecting the curriculum of an early modern gymnasium or university.
Bound with five other titles:
Pliny,the Younger. Exquisitissime queque C. Plinij secundi Novocome[n]sis Epistole. Liptzk : Per Iacobu[m]Thanner, 1516. --
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. M.T. Ciceronis de officijs, libri tres. Strassburg : Ex aedibus Schurerij, 1512. --
Schade, Peter,1493-1524. Paedologia Petri Mosellani Protegensis. Lipsiae : ipsis ferijs Diui Mattaei Apostoli, 1518. --
Erasmus, Desiderius,-1536. Des. Erasmi Roterodami de duplici copia verborum ac rerum commentarij duo. Apud inclytam Basileam : Apud Io. Frobenium,1519. --
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379. Magnus Basili[us] de poetarum oratoru[m] historicoru[m]. Leipzig : Martin Landsberg,1505?.
Bound with five other titles:
Pliny,the Younger. Exquisitissime queque C. Plinij secundi Novocome[n]sis Epistole. Liptzk : Per Iacobu[m]Thanner, 1516. --
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. M.T. Ciceronis de officijs, libri tres. Strassburg : Ex aedibus Schurerij, 1512. --
Schade, Peter,1493-1524. Paedologia Petri Mosellani Protegensis. Lipsiae : ipsis ferijs Diui Mattaei Apostoli, 1518. --
Erasmus, Desiderius,-1536. Des. Erasmi Roterodami de duplici copia verborum ac rerum commentarij duo. Apud inclytam Basileam : Apud Io. Frobenium,1519. --
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 329-379. Magnus Basili[us] de poetarum oratoru[m] historicoru[m]. Leipzig : Martin Landsberg,1505?.
Annotations: one inscription and some underlining on ff. 1-3 only.
Two ownership inscriptions on front pastedown are signed and dated from Southern Germany or Switzerland in the 1540s.
Annotations: one inscription and some underlining on ff. 1-3 only.
Two ownership inscriptions on front pastedown are signed and dated from Southern Germany or Switzerland in the 1540s.
On the upper margin of the title page is the manuscript note "anima qua deprecatione privatur mortua ac vita carens" at the centre is an inked-out ownership inscription of which only the date "1536" remains legible, at the bottom is another lightly scored inscription "Fuit U.R.A.M"
Copy has numerous manuscript annotations in unknown hands.
Ownership inscriptions on front pastedown.
Copy is bound in contemporary blind-tooled half-pigskin over wooden boards, spine with three raised bands.
Copy is bound in contemporary blind-tooled half-pigskin over wooden boards, spine with three raised bands.
20 unnumbered pages ; illustrations ; 22 cm (4to)
20 unnumbered pages ; illustrations ; 22 cm (4to)
VD16 ; A 2811.
VD16 ; A 2811.
Archive Location
Library Catalog
Num Pages
Call Number
PA8450 .A75 O7 1518
Erasmus Rare
Franjo Trankvil Andreis, “Oratio de laudibus eloguentiae auctore Tranquillo Parthenio Andronico Dalmata : in Gymnasio Lipsensi pronunciata.,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 13, 2025, https://crrs.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/10237.