Reliquiae Wottonianae: or, A collection of lives, letters, poems: with characters of sundry personages and other incomparable pieces of language and art
Reliquiae Wottonianae: or, A collection of lives, letters, poems: with characters of sundry personages and other incomparable pieces of language and art
Printed by Thomas Maxey for R. Marriot, G. Bedel and T. Garthwait
Izaak Walton
William Stirling Maxwell
William Stirling Maxwell
Sidney T. Fisher
Edward Hyde Clarendon
The life of Sir Henry Wotton [by I. Walton] -- Of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham -- The difference and disparity between ... George Duke of Buckingham and Robert Earl of Essex [by Edward Hyde, 1st earl Clarendon] -- A view of the life and death of Geo. Villiers -- A panegyrick to King Charles -- A conceipt of some observations intended upon things most remarkable in the civil history of this kingdom -- The election of the new Duke of Venice after the death of Giovanni Bembo -- The elements of architecture -- A philosophicall surveigh of education or moral architecture -- The great action between Pompey and Caesar -- A meditation upon the XXIIth chapter of Genesis -- A meditation upon Christmas-day -- Letters &c. and characters of sundry personages -- Poems
"The difference and disparity between .. George Duke of Buckingham and Robert Earl of Essex" is attributed in this edition to Sir Henry Wotton Edited by Izaak Walton with his "Life of Sir Henry Wotton"
Library Catalog
Num Pages
Call Number
PR2397 .R44 1651
Item Type
Henry Wotton, “Reliquiae Wottonianae: or, A collection of lives, letters, poems: with characters of sundry personages and other incomparable pieces of language and art,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 13, 2025,