The first and seconde partes of the herbal of William Turner Doctor in Phisick : lately ouersene, corrected and enlarged with the thirde parte, lately gathered, and nowe set oute with the names of the herbes, in Greke Latin, English, Duche, Frenche, and in the apothecaries and herbaries Latin, with the properties, degrees, and naturall places of the same ; here vnto is ioyned also a booke of the bath of Baeth in England, and of the vertues of the same with diuerse other bathes, moste holsom and effectuall, both in Almanye and England / set furth by William Turner Doctor in Phisick ; God saue the Quene.


William Turner


[The first and seconde partes of the herbal of William Turner, doctor in phisick /
lately oversene, corrected and enlarged ; with the thirde parte, lately gathered, and nowe set oute with the names of the herbes in Greke, Latin, English, Duche, Frenche, and in the apothecaries and herbaries Latin, with the properties, degrees, and naturall places of the same ; here unto is joyned also a Booke of the bath of Baeth in England, and of the vertues of the same with diurse other bathes moste holsom and effectuall, both in Almanye and England / set furth by William Turner ...]




Imprinted at Collen [Cologne]


Arnold Birckman


Hebrew [names of plants]


Rebound. Brown leather over pasteboards. Headband and tailband present. Hollow backed. Sewn onto bands or cords that have been sawn in. On spine: five false raised bands. Some gold tooling around bands. In compartment two there is a dark leather label with the title  TURNER'S HERBAL stamped on in gold. There are a number of wove paper leaves that have been inserted into this copy to mark where there are missing sections. These leaves are blank.

Binding: Leather is cracking in a few places but is generally intact.

Pages: Original paper is foolscap (starts on page 15). There are 34 blank, wove pages (+1 inserted but unbound foolscap piece, marked as p. 3), preceding the original foolscap pages. These were presumably bound with the book so that facsimiles of the original pages could be added if required. 
Large sections of the front and back of this book are missing. There is significant damage to the remaining front leaves that someone has repaired with masking tape. Extensive use of Japanese tissue paper to fix holes in the leaves; pieces of wove paper used to fix torn edges. 
The text block has been trimmed poorly, especially in the fourth section -- page numbers and running headers have been lost and the last printed leaf is loose.The sections in the middle of the book however are not badly damaged.

Lacks general title-page, six unnumbered preliminary pages of volume 1, pages 1-3 and 6-14 of volume 1; and leaves 19-45 of volume 4.

To Queen Elizabeth I (*2v)
To the right worshipfull Fellowship and Companye of Surgiones of the citye of London (2*2v)
The Preface of the Author unto his well loved neighbous of bath Bristom, Wellis, Winsam and Charde (2*2v)

2°: *4 A-B6 C8 D-T6, 2A-2Z6, 2A-2E6 2F4, 2*4 3A-3G6, 2G2, 3*43B-3D6, a-g6 h4 [$4 signed (+C5; -T4, -2Q3, -2*1, -2*2, -2*4, -2G2, -3*1, -3*4, -a1; misprinting N2 as 'N3', R2 as 'RD2', 2O2 as '22R2 as '2Q2', 2R3 as '2Q3', 3A4 as '3A3')] Missing due to mutilations: *4 A1, A3-4, B1,2F4, 3G6,3D6, c6, d-g6, h4. Leaves (accounting for missing): 366, pp. 3-4, pp. 15-43, pp. 37-223 224, [pp. 4], ff. 1-11 12 13-93 94 95-107 108 109-113 114 115-116 117 118 119-132, ff.131-148, ff.151-171, [ff. 4], pp.1-14 15 16-81 82, [pp. 12], pp. 1-17, [pp. 2], pp. 2-16, 29  (misprinting pp. 41 as '37', pp. 42 as '38, pp. 43 as '39', pp. 139 as '136', ff. 54 as '4', ff. 121 as '133', ff. 128 as '127', ff. 142 as '140', ff. 146 as '144', ff. pp. 45 as '46', pp. 11 as '8'). Boards Measure: 27.3 x  18 cm. Leaves measure: 26.5 x 17.5 cm.

Two impressive printer's devices; the first appears on the title page of the first three sections, the second on the title page of the last section, numerous type ornaments, decorated and inhabited initials (woodcut), numerous woodcuts depicting various plants.
Diagrams for each specimen named. Ornamented initials mark the first letter of each specimen recorded.

Printed Marginalia: Little to none.
Handwritten Notes: There are many instances of written notes in this copy, most of which appear to be addition sums. There is some evidence to suggest that this book was heavily written in, but that these inscriptions were trimmed off when it was rebound. However, the written notes in this copy seem to either be corrections, statements of ownership, or mathematical sums that have nothing to do with the text itself. Notable inscriptions can be found on: pp. 150, T5r+v, ff. 67, ff. 116v, 2G2v.

Large sections from the front and back of the book are missing. A series of photocopies made from film negatives account for the missing front matter.

This copy was donated to the CRRS by F. D. Hoeniger, one of the CRRS's founders. On the inner pastedown and the fly leaf are several clippings from booksellers catalogs. It is doubtful that any of these clippings describe this copy, as they do not describe the amount of damage present. However, there is an inscription on the flyleaf that is titled: 'Cook 1947'. In this handwritten and amended note, the damage to this copy is described. A price of £12-10-0 is included in the note. On the verso of the flyleaf, someone has recorded the STC number for both this copy and the other book that it has been bound with (see RELATED). The STC numbers include a brief collation statement. Searching through the text, I have found evidence of three previous owners that have supplied dates. They are: William Williams (1699) Griffith Evans (1707) John Robert (1791). There are also two additional owners that are undated. They are: MD Thomas and R. Robart.

This edition has been bound with another book printed by Birckman in 1561: A most excellent and perfecte homish apothecarye or homely physick nooke for all the grefes and diseases of the bodye. Originially written by Jereome of Brunswick, this copy is a translation into English by Ihon Hollybrush.

Original title page is missing. Transcription was created from a photocopy of the same edition.

[Bold enotes blackletter]The firſt and ſeconde partesof the Herbal of William Turner Doctor in Phiſick, lat- ly ouerſene/ corrected and enlarged with the Thirde parte/ lately ga- thered/ and nowe ſet out with the names of the herbes/ in GrekeLatin/ English/ Duche/ Frenche/ and in the Apotheca- ries and Herbaries Latin/ with the propertie/ degrees/ and natural places of the ſame.Here vnto is ioyned alſo a Booke of the bath of Baeth in England/ and of the vertues of the ſame with diuerſe other bathes/ moſte holſom and effectuall/ both in Almanye and England/ ſet furth by William Turner Doctorin Phiſick.God ſaue the Quene. │ [printer’s device: a heraldic shield with lions and fleur-de-lis topped by a crown and contained in an oval frame surrounded by scroll work, motto: qui maly pense ex hony soit; 100 x 85 mm.] │ Imprinte at Collen by Arnold Birckman/ In the yeareof our Lorde M. D. LXIII. │ Cum Gratia & Priuiledio Reg.Maieſt.

A Table of the names of herbes [parts 1 and 2] (*4v)
Nomina Auctorum Per Quos In Herbario Meo Profeci. (*4r)
The Table [end of part one] (T5v)
The Table of the names of herbes [part 3] (2*4r)
Errata (2G1v)
The names of the learned men which write that the bathes have the virtues and properties which hereafter in this book I give unto them (3*3r)
The names of the bathes and places where they be, whereof is mentioned in this book (3*3r)
The names of the sicknesses which may be healed by the bathes (3*3r)

Blackletter Gothic with some Roman.

There appears to be three different watermarks in this copy. The first is an oblong shape with a cross over it. There is something written in the oblong but I cannot make it out. This watermark appears in the first and second parts of the book. The second watermark, which occurs in the third part, is either  foolscap or a fleur-de-lis with a tail. The last watermark which occurs only in the fourth part, is some sort of monogram but I cannot identify the letters.

v. 1. [no separate title-page] -- v. 2. The seconde parte of Uuilliam Turners herball : wherein are conteyned the names of herbes ... with the vertues of the same herbes with diverse confutationes of no small errours that men of no small learning have committed in the intreating of herbes of late years -- v. 3. The thirde parte of Uuilliam Turners herball : wherein are conteined the herbes, trees, rootes, and fruytes, whereof is no mention made of Dioscorides, Galene, Plinye and other olde authores -- v. 4. A booke of the natures and properties as well of the bathes in England as of other bathes in Germanye and Italye : very necessarye for all sycke persones that can not be healed without the helpe of natural bathes / lately oversene and enlarged by William Turner ...

[Imprinted at Collen [Cologne, Germany] : By Arnold Birckman, in the yeare of our Lorde 1568].

STC (2nd ed.) 24367.
ESTC records 37 copies.

Archive Location

Library Catalog

Num Pages


Number of Volumes

4 volumes in 1

Short Title

New herball

Call Number

QK99 .T8 1568
Rare Book


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Turner - flower illustration p21.jpg
pg 43.jpg
Turner - p45 and 46.jpg
second title page.jpg
pg 210.jpg
folio 164.jpg
Turner front matter.jpg



William Turner, “The first and seconde partes of the herbal of William Turner Doctor in Phisick : lately ouersene, corrected and enlarged with the thirde parte, lately gathered, and nowe set oute with the names of the herbes, in Greke Latin, English, Duche, Frenche, and in the apothecaries and herbaries Latin, with the properties, degrees, and naturall places of the same ; here vnto is ioyned also a booke of the bath of Baeth in England, and of the vertues of the same with diuerse other bathes, moste holsom and effectuall, both in Almanye and England / set furth by William Turner Doctor in Phisick ; God saue the Quene.,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 14, 2025,