Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the church: with an universall historie of the same: wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the church, from the primitive age to these later times of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, fought and wrough as well by heathen emperors, as now lately practised by Romish prelats, especially in this realme of England and Scotland.
Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the church: with an universall historie of the same: wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the church, from the primitive age to these later times of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, fought and wrough as well by heathen emperors, as now lately practised by Romish prelats, especially in this realme of England and Scotland.
Printed by Adam Islip, Fœlix Kingston and Robert Young
Now againe, as it was recognised, perused, and recommended to the studious reader, by the author, M. John Fox, the seventh time newly imprinted whereunto are annexed certaine additions of like persecutions which have happened in these later times.
Richard Rolle
Robert Rolle
Richard Rolle
Hugh Fortescue
Arthur Fortescue
A continuation of the histories of forrein martyrs" (1632): volume 3, pages [1-14] (fifth group), and [1]-106 [i.e. 108] at end; pages 105-106 repeated in numbering.
A continuation of the histories of forrein martyrs" (1632): volume 3, pages [1-14] (fifth group), and [1]-106 [i.e. 108] at end; pages 105-106 repeated in numbering.
Volume 1: [126], 754, 765-1034 pages; volume 2: 113, 112-788 pages; volume 3: [2], 584, 595-1030, [126], [14], 106 [i.e. 108] pages.
Volume 1: [126], 754, 765-1034 pages; volume 2: 113, 112-788 pages; volume 3: [2], 584, 595-1030, [126], [14], 106 [i.e. 108] pages.
Volume 1: [pi]⁴, [2 paragraph]⁸, [3 paragraph]⁸, )(⁶, (A)-(H)⁴, (I)⁶, A-Z⁶, Aa-Zz⁶, Aaa-Zzz⁶, Aaaa-Pppp⁶, Qqqq⁸ (leaf [pi]1 blank & wanting); volume 2: A-I⁶, K⁸, L-Z⁶, Aa-Zz⁶, Aaa-Ttt⁶, Uuu⁴; volume 3: A-Z⁶, Aa-Zz⁶, Aaa-Zzz⁶, Aaaa-Pppp⁶, Qqqq⁸, Rrrr-Zzzz, Aaaaa⁴-Ggggg⁴, A-O⁴, P⁶.
Volume 1: [pi]⁴, [2 paragraph]⁸, [3 paragraph]⁸, )(⁶, (A)-(H)⁴, (I)⁶, A-Z⁶, Aa-Zz⁶, Aaa-Zzz⁶, Aaaa-Pppp⁶, Qqqq⁸ (leaf [pi]1 blank & wanting); volume 2: A-I⁶, K⁸, L-Z⁶, Aa-Zz⁶, Aaa-Ttt⁶, Uuu⁴; volume 3: A-Z⁶, Aa-Zz⁶, Aaa-Zzz⁶, Aaaa-Pppp⁶, Qqqq⁸, Rrrr-Zzzz, Aaaaa⁴-Ggggg⁴, A-O⁴, P⁶.
Volumes 2 & 3 have special title-page dated 1631 and separate paging. Volume 2: The second volume of the ecclesiasticall historie ... from the time of King Henry the eighth, vntill the beginning of the reigne of Queene Mary. Volume 3: The third volume of the ecclesiasticall historie ... from the time of Queen Maries entring vpon the Crowne, to the reigne of our late gracious soveraigne Queen Elizabeth of blessed memorie ... whereunto are annexed certaine additiones, vnto the time of our soueraigne Lord King Charles now raigning.
Volumes 2 & 3 have special title-page dated 1631 and separate paging. Volume 2: The second volume of the ecclesiasticall historie ... from the time of King Henry the eighth, vntill the beginning of the reigne of Queene Mary. Volume 3: The third volume of the ecclesiasticall historie ... from the time of Queen Maries entring vpon the Crowne, to the reigne of our late gracious soveraigne Queen Elizabeth of blessed memorie ... whereunto are annexed certaine additiones, vnto the time of our soueraigne Lord King Charles now raigning.
London : Printed by Adam Islip, Fœlix Kingston and Robert Young, 1631-1632.
London : Printed by Adam Islip, Fœlix Kingston and Robert Young, 1631-1632.
Imprint information varies.
3 volumes : illustrations (1 folded), map ; 36 cm. (folio).
STC 11228.
STC 11228.
Archive Location
Library Catalog
Number of Volumes
Call Number
BR1600 .F62 1632 v.1
BR1600 .F62 1632 v.2
BR1600 .F62 1632 v.3
Featured in:
The Renaissance Book
The Renaissance Book
Item Type
John Foxe, “Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the church: with an universall historie of the same: wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the church, from the primitive age to these later times of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, fought and wrough as well by heathen emperors, as now lately practised by Romish prelats, especially in this realme of England and Scotland.,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 13, 2025,