Ambrosii Calepini Bergomatis Lexicon: nunc demum à me[n]dis exactissime repurgatum, praeterera ubi[que] Graeca[rum] uocum accessione locupletatum, ut utrius[que] linguae lexici uice fungi possit accessere ad postremam hanc editionem Iacobi Montani uiri literatissimi castigatio[n]es, quas passim annotauimus hoc signo [flower type-ornament] antehac neq[ue] uisae unqnam, nec a quoquam animaduersae.
Ambrosii Calepini Bergomatis Lexicon: nunc demum à me[n]dis exactissime repurgatum, praeterera ubi[que] Graeca[rum] uocum accessione locupletatum, ut utrius[que] linguae lexici uice fungi possit accessere ad postremam hanc editionem Iacobi Montani uiri literatissimi castigatio[n]es, quas passim annotauimus hoc signo [flower type-ornament] antehac neq[ue] uisae unqnam, nec a quoquam animaduersae.
Ex aedibus Ioannis Praël
Jacobus Montanus
Johannes Prael
Preface by Ioannes Prael.
Preface by Ioannes Prael.
[852] p. ; 23 cm. (4to)
Coloniae : Ex aedibus Ioannis Praël, anno 1534 mense Septemb.
Coloniae : Ex aedibus Ioannis Praël, anno 1534 mense Septemb.
Leather over wood boards. Part of a manuscript is visible inside the spine. Leather is embossed. The book once had clasps, and indentations and screw holes are visible on the cover. The book has likely been rebound at least once, since the handwritten notes continue into the binding.
Many handwritten notes throughout. Many make connections between entries or add explanation. Parts of the title page woodblock have been coloured in by hand.
4F1 has been repaired with paste and lightweight paper.
Most of the final page is wanting.
Items found between pages: Fruit stem follows A2, folded paper book mark follows 2F1 (the paper has been cut with tassels to resemble a leather bookmark), birch bark follows 3G1, a feather follows 3S2, a folded paper with some calculations follows 3Z1, seeds follow 4A2.
Leather over wood boards. Part of a manuscript is visible inside the spine. Leather is embossed. The book once had clasps, and indentations and screw holes are visible on the cover. The book has likely been rebound at least once, since the handwritten notes continue into the binding.
Many handwritten notes throughout. Many make connections between entries or add explanation. Parts of the title page woodblock have been coloured in by hand.
4F1 has been repaired with paste and lightweight paper.
Most of the final page is wanting.
Items found between pages: Fruit stem follows A2, folded paper book mark follows 2F1 (the paper has been cut with tassels to resemble a leather bookmark), birch bark follows 3G1, a feather follows 3S2, a folded paper with some calculations follows 3Z1, seeds follow 4A2.
Handwritten on A1v “Ex libris mei Joanis Pebri Vensburni [?] 1687, 2 February.”
Handwritten on A1v “Ex libris mei Joanis Pebri Vensburni [?] 1687, 2 February.”
COLLATION: 4o:A4 ($Aii, Aiii) 2A-5N4 ($3 + 5Niiii)
No page numbers. 2Niii signed “LLiii” (2Liii).
No page numbers. 2Niii signed “LLiii” (2Liii).
Archive Location
Library Catalog
Num Pages
Call Number
PA2361 .C34 1534
Item Type
Ambrogio Calepino, “Ambrosii Calepini Bergomatis Lexicon: nunc demum à me[n]dis exactissime repurgatum, praeterera ubi[que] Graeca[rum] uocum accessione locupletatum, ut utrius[que] linguae lexici uice fungi possit accessere ad postremam hanc editionem Iacobi Montani uiri literatissimi castigatio[n]es, quas passim annotauimus hoc signo [flower type-ornament] antehac neq[ue] uisae unqnam, nec a quoquam animaduersae.,” Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (CRRS) Rare Book Collection, accessed March 12, 2025,