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Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Basel (Switzerland), Binding damage, Edge titles, Erasmus Desiderius, Fathers of the church, Latin, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Theology, Woodcuts
Tags: Bible, Commentaries, Hebrew, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Apologetics, Early church ca. 30-600, Paris (France), Saints, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Christianity, Doctrines, Lutheran Church, Melanchthon Philipp, Religious Aspects, Repentance, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Melanchthon Philipp, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Early church ca. 30-600, Theology
Tags: 1600-1699, Philosophy Modern, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Theology
Tags: 1600-1699, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Collected works, Early church ca. 30-600, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Manuscript waste, Panel stamped bindings, Raised bands, Stained edges, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Middle ages 600-1500, Theology
Tags: 1600-1699, Early church ca. 30-600, Theology
Tags: 1700-1799, Theology
Tags: 1600-1699, Augustine, Collected works, Early church ca. 30-600, Theology
Tags: 1600-1699, Collected works, Early church ca. 30-600, Theology
Tags: 1600-1699, Bible, Christian life, Christianity, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Dictionary, Drawings, Leather bindings, Marginalia, Printers' devices, Quarter bindings, Theology, Woodcuts
Tags: 1600-1699, Church of England, Hall Joseph, Sermons (English), Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Luther Martin, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Apologetics, Theology
Tags: 1400-1499, Alum tawed bindings, Binding damage, Collected works, Early church ca. 30-600, Incunabula, Insect damage, Manuscript waste, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Panel stamped bindings, Raised bands, Theology, Water damage, Wooden bindings
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