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Tags: 1500-1599, Erasmus Desiderius, Luther Martin
Tags: 1500-1599, Luther Martin, Reformation
Tags: 1500-1599, Free will and determinism, Luther Martin
Tags: 1600-1699, Folly, Luther Martin
Tags: 1600-1699, Luther Martin
Tags: 1500-1599, Coloring, Erasmus Desiderius, Luther Martin, Paper bindings, Quarter bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Erasmus Desiderius, Free will and determinism, Luther Martin, Printers' devices
Tags: 1500-1599, History, Lord's Supper, Luther Martin
Tags: 1500-1599, Luther Martin
Tags: 1500-1599, Bibliander Theodorus, Controversial literature, History, Islamic Empire, Luther Martin, Melanchthon Philipp, Qurʼan
Tags: 1500-1599, Doctrines, Lord's Supper, Luther Martin
Tags: 1500-1599, Aleandro Girolamo, Caracciolo Marino Ascanio, Luther Martin
Tags: 1600-1699, Germany, History, Luther Martin, Lutheran Church, Reformation
Tags: 1500-1599, Bible, Commentaries, Luther Martin, Psalms
Tags: 1500-1599, Luther Martin, Theology
Tags: 1500-1599, Luther Martin, Purgatory
Tags: 1600-1699, Catholic Church, Luther Martin, Sacraments
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Armorial bindings, Bible, Blind tooled bindings, German, Luther Martin, Marginalia, New Testament, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Binding damage, Binding labels, Church and education, Drunkenness, Fornication, Gluttony, Jena (Germany), Johann Brenz, Leather bindings, Luther Martin, Magic, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Panel stamped bindings, Paper defects, Paper repairs, Quarter bindings, Raised bands, Sammelband, Ten commandments, War, Water damage, Woodcuts
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