Organum hoc est: libri omnes ad Logicam pertinentes, Graecè et Latinè
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.). Organum hoc est: libri omnes ad Logicam pertinentes, Graecè et Latinè. Translated by Giulio Pace (1550–1635). Hanau: Typis Wechelianis, sumptibus Danielis ac Dauidis Aubriorum ac Clementis Schleichii, 1623.
Giulio Pace’s bilingual Greek-Latin edition of Aristotle’s logical works became the widely adopted standard for the reading of Aristotle in the Universities of northern Europe. This copy–most likely a school book–was probably bound in discarded manuscript waste for a student to save on costs. The practice of using older manuscripts in binding was especially common for school books.