Advanced Search (Items only)
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Coloring, Drawings, Erasmus Desiderius, Marginalia, Metal clasps, New Testament, Panel stamped bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Binding damage, Cicero Marcus Tullius, Drawings, Erasmus Desiderius, Leather bindings, Manuscript waste, Marginalia, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Thongs, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Antiquities, Autographs, Binding damage, Jewish, Limp bindings, Marginalia, Paper bindings, Raised cords, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Antiquities, Autographs, Binding damage, History, Jewish, Jews, Leather bindings, Marbled papers, Marginalia, Paper defects, Raised bands, Rebellion 66-73, Stained edges, Woodcuts
Tags: 1600-1699, Autographs, Blind tooled bindings, Coloring, Customs and practices, Drawings, Judaism, Leather bindings, Sammelband, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Armorial bookplates, Autographs, Binding damage, Binding labels, Clasps, Drawings, Gold tooled bindings, Great Britain, History, Leather bindings, Manuscript waste, Marginalia, Paper defects, Tudors 1485-1603, Water damage, William Shakespeare, Woodcuts
Tags: 1600-1699, Autographs, Gold tooled bindings, History, Leather bindings, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Raised bands, Stained edges, Venice Italy, Woodcuts
Tags: 1600-1699, Autographs, Insect damage, Politics and government, Thongs, Vellum bindings, Venice Italy, Woodcuts, Yapp style bindings
Tags: 1600-1699, Autographs, Binding damage, Half bindings, Leather bindings, Marbled paper bindings, Paper bindings, Paper repairs, Raised bands, Sprinkled edges, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Apologetics, Autographs, Leather bindings, Manuscript waste, Panel stamped bindings, Raised bands, Ties
Tags: 1500-1599, 1600-1699, Autographs, Binding damage, Florence (Italy), History, Italian drama, Leather bindings, Military art and science, Panel stamped bindings, Political ethics, Political science, Raised bands, Rome, Sprinkled edges, War, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Printed waste, Printers' devices, Quarter bindings, Raised bands, Sallust, Vellum bindings, Warped boards, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Aldus Manutius, Autographs, Binding labels, Cicero Marcus Tullius, Edge titles, Limp bindings, Marginalia, Paolo Manuzio, Printed waste, Printers' devices, Thongs, Vellum bindings, Yapp style bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, France, French, Gold tooled bindings, History, Leather bindings, Paper defects, Wars of the Huguenots 1562-1598
Tags: 1600-1699, Autographs, History, Miscellanea
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Ink stamps, Limp bindings, Marginalia, Melanchthon Philipp, Printed waste, Printers' devices, Sammelband, Sermons (Latin), Thongs, Vellum bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Manuscript waste, Panel stamped bindings, Raised bands, Stained edges, Theology
Tags: 1600-1699, Autographs, Conduct of life, Courtesy, Ink stamps, Insect damage, Prices, Vellum bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Drawings, Ink stamps, Limp bindings, Prophecies, Sprinkled edges, Vellum bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Binding labels, Lucian, Vellum bindings, Woodcuts, Yapp style bindings
Tags: 1600-1699, Armorial bookplates, Autographs, Binding damage, England, English, History, Ireland, Leather bindings, Limp bindings, Marginalia
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Bible, Drawings, Geneva, New Testament, Sammelband, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Bible, Binding damage, Drawings, English, Leather bindings, Music, Paraphrases, Psalms, Raised cords, Sammelband, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Books of hours, Catholic Church, Coloring, Gold tooled bindings, Half bindings, Leather bindings, Marbled paper bindings, Netherlands, Nonpareil marbled papers, Paper bindings, Paper repairs, Prayers
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Clasps, Education, Germany, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Sammelband, Study and teaching, Woodcuts, Wooden bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Clasps, Coloring, Education, Erasmus Desiderius, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Sammelband, Study and teaching, Water damage, Woodcuts, Wooden bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Clasps, Education, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Sammelband, Study and teaching, Wooden bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Binding damage, Clasps, Drawings, Erasmus Desiderius, Ink stamps, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Raised bands, Rhetoric, Water damage, Woodcuts, Wooden bindings
Tags: Autographs, Emblem books, Emblems, Engravings, Ink stamps, Sprinkled edges, Vellum bindings, Warped boards
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Basel (Switzerland), Binding damage, Christian heresies, Early church ca. 30-600, Edge titles, Erasmus Desiderius, Gnosticism, History, Latin, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Panel stamped bindings, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Woodcuts
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