Advanced Search (Items only)
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Clasps, Education, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Sammelband, Study and teaching, Wooden bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Clasps, Coloring, Education, Erasmus Desiderius, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Sammelband, Study and teaching, Water damage, Woodcuts, Wooden bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Ancient, Clasps, Coloring, Drawings, Ethics, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Sammelband, Woodcuts, Wooden bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Ink stamps, Limp bindings, Marginalia, Melanchthon Philipp, Printed waste, Printers' devices, Sammelband, Sermons (Latin), Thongs, Vellum bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Cicero Marcus Tullius, Sammelband
Tags: 1500-1599, Horace, Sammelband
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Clasps, Education, Germany, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Sammelband, Study and teaching, Woodcuts, Wooden bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Epistolae, Erasmus Desiderius, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Printers' devices, Sammelband, Water damage, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Clasps, Education, Germany, Latin language, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Rhetoric, Sammelband, Study and teaching, Water damage, Woodcuts, Wooden bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Clasps, Education, Germany, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Quarter bindings, Sammelband, Study and teaching, Woodcuts, Wooden bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Binding damage, Binding labels, Foxing, Indigenous Peoples, Leather bindings, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Panel stamped bindings, Printers' devices, Quarter bindings, Raised bands, Rubrication, Sammelband, Ten commandments, War, Water damage, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Catiline, Conspiracy of Catiline 65-62 B.C, German, History, Jugurthine War 111-105 B.C, Leather bindings, Marginalia, Panel stamped bindings, Printers' devices, Republic 265-30 B.C, Rome, Sallust, Sammelband
Tags: 1500-1599, Duties, Edge titles, Education of princes, Erasmus Desiderius, Germany, Kings and rulers, Marginalia, Peace, Raised bands, Sammelband, Vellum bindings, Woodcuts, Yapp style bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Binding labels, Costume, Marginalia, Sammelband, Sprinkled edges, Vellum bindings, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Binding labels, Greco-Roman, Marginalia, Sammelband, Vases, Vellum bindings, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Edge titles, Erasmus Desiderius, Germany, Letter writing, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Vellum bindings, Yapp style bindings
Tags: Binding labels, Boats and boating, Latin language, Marginalia, Naval art and science, Sammelband, Ships, Vellum bindings, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Basel (Switzerland), Dedications, Edge titles, Epistolae, Erasmus Desiderius, Letter writing, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Switzerland, Vellum bindings, Woodcuts, Yapp style bindings
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Basel (Switzerland), Binding damage, Christian heresies, Early church ca. 30-600, Edge titles, Erasmus Desiderius, Gnosticism, History, Latin, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Panel stamped bindings, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Basel (Switzerland), Binding damage, Edge titles, Erasmus Desiderius, Fathers of the church, Latin, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Printers' devices, Raised bands, Sammelband, Theology, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Alum tawed bindings, Autographs, Binding damage, Binding labels, Church and education, Drunkenness, Fornication, Gluttony, Johann Brenz, Leather bindings, Magic, Marginalia, Metal clasps, Panel stamped bindings, Paper defects, Paper repairs, Quarter bindings, Raised bands, Sammelband, Ten commandments, War, Water damage, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Cicero Marcus Tullius, Coloring, Melanchthon Philipp, Sammelband
Tags: 1500-1599, Binding labels, Gold tooled bindings, Leather bindings, Medicine, Paper defects, Raised bands, Sammelband, Water damage, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Binding labels, Botany, English, Genealogical notes, Gold tooled bindings, Hebrew, Herbs, Leather bindings, Marginalia, Medicinal plants, Paper repairs, Pre-Linnean works, Raised bands, Sammelband, Water damage, William Turner, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Bibliography, Prohibited books, Sammelband
Tags: 1500-1599, Prohibited books, Sammelband
Tags: 1500-1599, Bullinger Heinrich, Sammelband
Tags: 1500-1599, History, Rome, Sammelband, Vintimille Jacques
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Bible, Drawings, Geneva, New Testament, Sammelband, Woodcuts
Tags: 1500-1599, Autographs, Bible, Binding damage, Drawings, English, Leather bindings, Music, Paraphrases, Psalms, Raised cords, Sammelband, Woodcuts
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